Scripture Is the Sole, Inerrant Authority for Our Faith and Our Works2 Peter 1:19-2:3Sunday, June 11th, 2023
How Wasn't the Holy Spirit Present?John 7:37-39Sunday, May 28th, 2023Today is Pentecost, which celebrates the day the descended on the followers of Jesus. However, our scripture passage for today ends with the sentence: "For the Holy Spirit had not yet come, because Jesus had not yet been glorified." What does that mean?
The Scriptures Are All About ChristLuke 24:25-27Sunday, April 23rd, 2023Jesus's first appearance after his resurrection was to 2 disciples who were walking to Emmaus. While his exact words are not recorded, we know that Jesus explained to those disciples how all of the Scriptures (which we know as the Old Testament today) were about him. In this sermon Pastor Schurman explains the dangers of being distracted by "church things" instead of focusing on hearing and spreading the good news of free salvation in Christ Jesus.
Why Did the Rich Man Go to Hell and How Can You Prevent the Same for Your Family and Friends?Luke 16:19-31Sunday, October 16th, 2022When Jesus told of the rich man and poor Lazarus, he didn't state exactly why the rich man went to Hell, leading some people to make incorrect assumptions and guesses about it. However, the reason is very clearly implied in Jesus' words, and we can learn from it and apply it to our own lives and circumstances.
Christ Overcomes Death for Us by Taking Its Blow for UsMatthew 27:15-17,20-26Saturday, April 16th, 2022
Shine With the Radiance of Christ's Glory!1 Corinthians 12:1-11Sunday, January 16th, 2022God has given spiritual gifts to all members of the invisible church of all believers according to what the visible churches need for their congregations and communities, so we should remember thank God for our gifts and use them to praise and glorify Him.
Why Were Some of Those Working Against Christ Saved and Others Damned?Mark 3:20-35Sunday, June 13th, 2021When reading through the Bible, it may seem like God is sometimes playing favorites with those who are saved and those who are not, especially those people who at times worked against Christ. However, through several parables Jesus explains the key differences between those people, and we see how it applies to us today.