Do We Really Say, "Speak, O Lord, for Your Servant Is Listening?"1 Samuel 3:8-10Sunday, January 14th, 2024Our sinful nature often prevents us from having a servant's attitude towards God and His Word, but through Jesus our new man eagerly listens and joyfully serves. In this sermon we see ways in which Samuel was called by God, and how those situations apply to us today, including warning our children (young and old), and even our friends' and neighbors' children, when they stray from God.
Why Must the Servant of the LORD Suffer? (Finale)Isaiah 53:11-12Sunday, April 16th, 2023This is the final sermon from the 2023 Lent series "Why Must the Servant of the LORD Suffer?" Pastor Schurman concludes the series by explaining what Jesus' victory over sin, death, and the devil did for us using the last verses from Isaiah's prophecy about the suffering servant.
Why Must the Servant of the LORD Suffer? (#8)Isaiah 53:10Sunday, April 9th, 2023This is the eighth sermon from the 2023 Lent series "Why Must the Servant of the LORD Suffer?" Pastor Schurman explains that even though it seems like Jesus was murdered at the hands of men, his death and resurrection were in fact God's plan to earn salvation for everyone and to spread the news of that free salvation across the world.
Why Must the Servant of the LORD Suffer? (#7)Isaiah 53:9Saturday, April 8th, 2023This is the seventh sermon from the 2023 Lent series "Why Must the Servant of the LORD Suffer?" Pastor Schurman explains that Jesus died a painful death intended for criminals, suffering the punishment we deserve for our sins, so that we can have eternal life through faith in him.
Why Must the Servant of the LORD Suffer? (#6)Isaiah 53:8Thursday, March 30th, 2023This is the sixth sermon from the 2023 Lent series "Why Must the Servant of the LORD Suffer?" Pastor Schurman explains that Jesus was arrested and brought to court through oppression, and his crucifixion was a result of injustice in the Sanhedrin and the Roman government. However, God used this to put our sins -- including our own oppression, injustice, and rebellion -- on Christ so that we are saved.
Why Must the Servant of the LORD Suffer? (#5)Isaiah 53:6-7Thursday, March 23rd, 2023This is the fifth sermon from the 2023 Lent series "Why Must the Servant of the LORD Suffer?" Pastor Schurman explains that we all continually wander off the path God intended for us, but Jesus willingly sacrificed himself to atone for our sins and make us His children.
Why Must the Servant of the LORD Suffer? (#4)Isaiah 53:4-5Thursday, March 16th, 2023This is the fourth sermon from the 2023 Lent series "Why Must the Servant of the LORD Suffer?" Pastor Schurman explains that Jesus understands the burdens we face in our lives because Jesus endured physical, spiritual, and emotional torment, and he did it so we would be made God's children.
Why Must the Servant of the LORD Suffer? (#3)Isaiah 53:1-3Thursday, March 9th, 2023This is the third sermon from the 2023 Lent series "Why Must the Servant of the LORD Suffer?" Pastor Schurman uses 3 more verses from Isaiah's prophecy to explain that Jesus lacked any worldly glory or tricks, so that we are not drawn to him by our sinful nature, but instead by the faith that God gives to us.